
The Berndt Museum invests in and supports a number of research efforts.

The Berndt Museum's collections and intellectual brand are fixed in rigorous research that was initiated through Ronald and Catherine Berndt's field work and are supported by the communities from which the collections are derived.

We research to assure quality content, to share history and knowledge with communities and to collaborate on new ideas. Our acquisitions and donations are assessed on an individual basis in accordance with how they relate to the current collections and contemporary narratives. The Museum is focused on research, teaching and outreach programs that directly relate to its collections.

Collection Management System

The Berndt Museum migrated to a new CMS in 2017. We acknowledge that the work to make this accessible for research online will take some time, but we look forward to making a selection of the collections available for searching online in the near future. In the meantime we are sharing the collection through Facebook and Instagram with “Object of the Week” and “Did you know” segments.

We have previously been involved in UWA partnerships for research in the following programs.

Australia Wide: The indigenous artefacts you've never seen

Berndt Museum Research Centre

The Museum is working to maintain its position as a centre for research and acknowledges the substantiated need for greater access to material. We are working with the Professor Ronald M Berndt and Catherine H Berndt Research Foundation to forward plan research opportunities but acknowledge the limitations set by our current resources.


A full list of the publications produced by the Berndt Museum can be found on Trove or by using the Access Request Form on our ‘Contact us’ page.